PHP calender

4 Replies, 11393 Views

The calendar functions are useful when working with different calendar formats. The standard it is based on is the Julian day count (Julian day count is a count of days starting from January 1, 4713 B.C.). Note that the Julian day count is not the same as the Julian calendar!
fashion blog
Yeah I have tried using the calender function before and I've found it to be very useful. I've also found that calenders in other scripting languages take a more prolonged amount of time to do/get my head round.
In java it is easy to update the time and calender try even in that. you find the difference. but that is much different from this.
fashion blog
Yeah, sure PHP is easier, but if you spend the time with java or other formats, it is totally worthit. (except html as you have to manually change it ever day)
Yep php is a lot easier

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